One crazy day at a life!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Week 32

I think I’m starting to have some mild panic attacks over the fact that the baby is going to be here in about 8 weeks.  On one hand, I want him to get here so I can go back to eating and feeling like a normal person, but on the other hand I really, really, really don’t want to go through labor.  Especially since every time I mention that Dre and I are leaning towards having the least amount of intervention needed, I get told that it’s going to be the worse pain of my life or they tell me a story about how they know someone who’s now paralyzed from getting an epidural.  I’m a little freaked out!

I definitely have not gone to IKEA.  I don’t have enough energy these days to go walk through that store.  I think I’ll go on one of my days off in the next 2 weeks. 

No progress on picking out baby names.  Dre really likes a name that I think is just OK and I really like all names that are more English than bilingual.  It’s a problem.  I’m going to bring my short-list of names to the cottage and Dre and I will discuss this.  I’d like to have a name to call the baby.  Everyone else on my online forum seems to have named their babies already and I’m still going around calling the baby, Baby boy or LO (loved one).

I’m still keeping up my regimen of drinking prune juice every day because I’ve developed some serious constipation issues.  I think the baby just likes sitting on my intestines which backs me up!  I have to say that the taste of prune juice is disgusting.  I’m hiding a quarter glass of it in a full glass of other juice, but I can still taste the nastiness.  I’m going to have to find a better juice to disguise the taste.  Here’s my picture this week. 

Week 30
Week 32
I thought a change of scenery would be nice!
 I meant to update last week’s post with my picture since I had forgotten to have Dre take it, but when he took it I realized that I had forgotten the memory card in my work laptop and so the picture saved to the camera itself.  The problem is that I can’t find the cord for our camera so for now my Week 31 belly picture is being held hostage by my camera.

My average weight this week is 176.6 lbs which is a gain of 1.1 lbs since last week.  This makes my total weight gain for this pregnancy 23.6 lbs.  I’m quite close to getting to the 25lbs gain!  Since I’m supposed to gain between 25-35 lbs according to all the books and doctors, I’ve almost reached the lower end of the range.  I wonder how much weight I’ll gain in the next 7-9 weeks.  I’m pretty sure that I’ll end up gaining around 35-40 lbs this pregnancy.  I’m happy about that.

I love Zantac!  It’s like the miracle drug.  I take it every night and it keeps the acid reflux and heartburn in check most of the time.  Lunch tends to give me some heartburn and acid reflux, but it’s not too bad.  If I don’t take a Zantac before dinner though, I suffer the most awful burning.  It literally feels like I’m breathing the fire of a thousand suns!

I have zero energy.  It’s especially bad during the week since I expend all of my energy going to work.  By the time, I get home at night I have no energy or desire to do anything.  I’ve also noticed that I can’t do too much during the weekends either or I get so tired!  My plan for the coming 11 days of holidays is to do nothing, lots of nothing, and lots of sleeping.  This is a good spot to mention the fact that I still need to do a million thing before the baby comes which gives me panic attacks, but I can’t find the energy to start doing any of them.

A few BHs for me this week.  They were probably caused by me doing too much.  It’s hard to pace myself with all the Christmas stuff I have to do.  When baby boy moves, he’s much more noticeable since different part of my belly move at the same time, but he’s also started moving a lot less because he’s pretty much run out of space.  Of course, this freaks me out most of the time.  The ligament pain from the baby compressing it is still excruciating most of the time.  I’ve just learned to walk through it.  The belly button is still flat for now, but every day it’s inching its way to being an outie.

I’m really looking forward to my massage this Thursday and then being on vacation for the next 11 days.  Working while being pregnant is much harder than I imagined it would be and it’s taking everything I have to get through every day.  Only 4 weeks and 3 days of work left for me till I go on mat leave for a year. 

Baby is the size of a squash again.  He weighs around 4 lbs this week and it feels like it!  When the doctor measured my fundal height (height of your uterus) yesterday, I was at 34 inches.  The inches usually correspond to the number of weeks you are.  At my 30 weeks appointments, I was measuring exactly at 30 inches.  Just 2 weeks later my measurements have gone up by 4 inches.  So now baby is measuring 2 weeks ahead!  Craziness!  He’s already growing like a weed and he hasn’t even come out yet.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas at our House

Here is what our house looks like this Christmas.  I managed to put most of the decorations out even though it took me a couple of weeks to get it done!

The centerpiece on our dining table.

The Christmas Tree!

Christmas Tree and our fireplace. 
We'll need to find baby boy a Christmas stocking next year.

The Christmas wreaths on either side of our front door. 
The bell one hangs inside since it would rust outside and the berry one hangs outside.

So that's what our house looks like for Christmas this year.  Next year I'll probably go a lot bigger since it will be baby boy's first Christmas. 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Week 31

I’ve officially reached the end of my rope!  This week has been filled with trying to get presents for all the nieces/nephews and parents.  I know that we kind of left it to really late, but with all the baby stuff we’ve been preoccupied with other stuff.  Also, all of the stores and online stores seem to have run out of stock of stuff you’d buy an 8 year old boy.  I normally enjoy Christmas shopping, but this year I have to say that I haven’t enjoyed it.  Hopefully, next year I’m more on the ball and things go more smoothly!

I haven’t made it to IKEA yet.  I have to confess that I’m too exhausted most of the time to even contemplate going over there.  Where did all my energy go? 

Dre and I also haven’t made any progress at picking a baby name.  None!  That’s my fault because I just ran out of steam and couldn’t keep reading books filled with names.  I think it’s something we might be tackling over the Christmas holidays.  We’re spending a week at a cottage with my family and since I can’t ski this year we’ll have plenty of quiet time to discuss this stuff.  I hope!

This week I have started drinking…PRUNE juice.  Yah!  I never thought I’d do that, but you have to do what you gotta do!  Even with me starting the poo juice, I didn’t gain any weight this week.  My average weight this week is 175.5 lbs. which is a weight loss of 0.2 lbs from last week.  That really surprised me because I haven’t started eating any better than before.  This makes my total weight gain so far 22.5 lbs.  Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I’ve noticed that I can’t eat anymore.  I feel full after I barely eat anything.  The baby is starting to take up a lot of room and I’ve definitely noticed it with my appetite.

I’m religiously taking Zantac after Friday night.  What happened Friday night you ask.  Well, I woke up throwing up acid into my mouth.  That was lovely!  I had taken my Zantac with dinner, but I’d also had my Omega 3 Salmon Oil supplement right before bedtime.  (This is normal for me.) Apparently, there’s acid in those pills and that along with my bedtime snack combined to make me violently ill for 1 hour on Friday.  I can’t describe to you guys the taste that that pill left in my mouth as I was trying to get the acid under control.  It was so bad that I took another Zantac and some tums and then sat up in bed for 2 hours trying to keep from throwing up again.  On Saturday, I had to get up early enough because I had 2 friends coming over to do a day of Christmas baking.  Needless to say, I felt like death warmed over on Saturday morning.  Thankfully, I got my energy back since I sampled everything we baked.  

I’m feeling like crap most of the time, but I’m still telling people I feel great because I just don’t have the energy to talk to them about all my symptoms.  I think this fatigue is going to kill me.  I feel like I’ve run out of energy.  I can’t wait for this nesting thing to kick in because then I’ll at least get some of the stuff that needs to get done before the baby arrives done.

I’ve had some BHs this week.  They’re hard to catch for me because they don’t usually hurt…they just make my belly feel super hard and tight.  The baby has taken to jabbing and poling random stuff.  One website described it as gestating an angry housecat.  I think they had it right!  Sometimes, I feel like this baby has a lot more than 2 legs and arms with the way he’s poking and prodding.  Dre thinks all of this is extremely cute.   He’s cute.

Ligament pain is still around.  Back pain has joined in to make sure that the right side of my body hurts all the time.  I walk really slowly most of the time.  Belly button is flat.  I’m expecting the baby to kick the crap out of it and officially “pop” it into an outie any day now.  

I cannot wait for my massage next week.  It makes my body feel all better for a little bit.  It’s like heaven! 

I’m really looking forward to completing our last baby class tomorrow.  I like them and found them informative, but I’m kind of over them right now.  I feel like I could use the time better to do something else.  I’m also really looking forward to the Christmas holidays starting.  I need some R&R.  Some days, I wonder how I’m going to keep working until February 1st.  One day at a time is my motto right now!

Baby is a squash again this week.  He weighs a ton…I can’t imagine how he’ll put on 3 more lbs at least before he comes out.

If this post seems a little rambly and random this week, ignore it!  I’m just stressed and tired todayJ

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Week 30...75% baked!

Yup, it’s taken me forever to write this post.  I’ve had a hectic week and I feel like I’m always running around and doing something.  Now, I’m officially ¾ of the way done with my pregnancy!  How crazy is that?  On one hand, it’s gone by really fast, but on the other it’s also crawled by.  All those lovely symptoms just make it seem like I’ve been pregnant forever.

We now have a crib AND a crib mattress in the baby’s room.  Craziness!  It almost looks like a baby room nowJ  This weekend or next week, I’m braving the crazy crowds at the new IKEA in town to go get the dresser and a bookshelf for the baby’s room.  Then I’ll have everything I need for that room except for a lamp, curtains, a hamper, and a wall decal.  I might just get this room done by the time baby boy decides to appear!

I saw my doctor on Monday which is partially why this post wasn’t posted on Monday and she told me I’m having a really good pregnancy.  Yay!  I wouldn’t want to see what a bad one looks like!  I know I’m lucky, but sometimes as I’m trying to rock myself out of our bed at night so I can go pee I don’t feel so lucky.  I need to keep in mind that baby boy is very healthy, measuring right on track, and that I’ve had no major issues.

Week 29
Week 30

I should just stop writing about the ::GASP:: crazy amount of weight I’ve gained in a week because every time I do the next week I gain even more!  We’ll blame this one on the baby being hungry all the time and me being constipated a lot lately.  My average weight this week is 175.7 lbs.  Yes, you heard me right that would be a whopping 2.4 lbs gain in ONE WEEK!  This makes my total weight gain so far 22.7 lbs.  And I wanted to stay under 30 lbs gained this pregnancy….bahahahahaha!  With Christmas coming and all the yummy stuff I’m baking for the holidays I have a feeling that my weight is going to go up, up, up.  Join me in 3 months when I’m trying to work off all those cinnamon rolls and shortbread cookies off my ass…until then…where are those cinnamon rolls?

I’m still taking Zantac on most nights since dinner seems to be what sets off the acid reflux/heartburn combo.  It works really well when I remember to take it before I eat dinner. 

BTW, every single person who sees me asks me, “How are you feeling/How are you doing?” every single time they see me.  This is fine when it’s my friends or Dre, but I’m dangerously close to telling my coworkers to take a hike.  I know they’re just excited/happy/curious about the baby, but I’m getting a little tired of coming up with an answer every time.  No one tells you about this when you decide to have a baby!

I think I’ve had 1-2 BHs this week.  It’s hard to tell because the baby is so active now that a lot of the time it’s hard to tell his random poking and jabbing from an actual BH.  The ligament pain is still very bad.  I can’t lift my right leg and walking hurts.  I’ve gotten very slow when walking because the faster I walk to more it hurts.  The stretch mark count is still at one.  I plan on keeping it that way.  Belly button watch is still reporting that it’s basically flat.  It could become an outie at any moment…it just needs a good kick from the baby.

I still don’t have any sciatic pain.  My back pain has flared up, but I had a massage last Sunday and that took care of it.  The clinic accidently booked me for a 1-hr massage instead of a 30 min one, but I didn’t care since it made my back so much better!  She also massaged my hips and upper bum and told me my hips were super tights and locked.  Wow, that hurt, but it feels great now!  I love my massages!

I’m really looking forward to Christmas baking this weekend with two of my really good friends.  We each cook 2-3 recipes and then exchange goodies.  So good!  Last year, we decided to do this instead of buying Christmas presents for each other and it was an awesome idea so we’re doing it again this year. 

Baby is now the size of a squash…again!  He’s pretty much stopped growing in length, but he now weighs about 3 lbs.