One crazy day at a life!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Week 15 is here

I can’t believe I’ve reached Week 15! 

Dre and I are really starting to organize and empty out the office so that I can’t turn it into the baby’s room.  Once we know if we’re having a boy or a girl then I can start planning décor and all that stuff. 

We’re also starting to seriously look at the nursery furniture.  I found the dresser I want at IKEA.  The only thing is that the dresser is white and I was planning on a cherry or ebony crib.  So either I change the crib color or I incorporate different furniture colors in my design.  Anyways, I think I’ll make a post soon about the options I have running through my head.  Since we have to order the furniture soon, we don’t have that much time to think about it left.

So after thinking about it, Dre and I decided to start stocking up on organic disposable diapers when they’re on sale since the organic ones are so much more expensive than everything else.  For now, we’re going with the Huggies Care & Nature (or something like that) since they have less dyes and chemicals in their diapers.  This is also the kind that my CD friend uses when she puts her daughter in disposables.

I had an appointment with my doctor this Monday.  Everything was great!  Baby’s HB on Doppler was very strong and he kept kicking the crap out of the funny!  She also gave me the order to schedule my Anatomy U/S next month.  I’m scheduled for it on September 13th…I cannot wait since we’re going to be finding out if it’s a boy or a girl then!  This is all so exciting!

Week 14
15 weeks 3 days
I definitely have a noticeable bump all the time now.  In some clothes, I look really pregnant.

I think my scale is on crack, but that’s ok.  This week it has me as gaining 5 lbs, but since I lost 2-3 lbs. at the beginning that puts me at 2-3 gain overall so it’s not too bad and when I mentioned this to the doctor she didn’t seem concerned at all.  I’m still doing Body Pump for now since I can still lie on my back until I’m 20 weeks, but I’ll have to stop in 4.5 wks even though my gym membership won’t have expired yet by then. 

Nausea is still lurking around.  Mostly, it comes when I’m at work which reinforces my belief that the baby’s just allergic to work.  I’ve had massively bad heartburn for the first time this week.  I’ve always suffered from indigestion so I’m used to that.  I’m not really used to having acid burn up my throat! 

I’m definitely wearing almost all maternity clothes by now.  I don’t fit in any of my pre-pregnancy clothes.  Stretch marks are still staying far, far away which makes me really glad!  I’m still waking up once a night, every night.

I think my best moment this week was my doctor’s appointment.  I love those because they reassure me that everything is ok and I get to ask tons of questions.  

We still don’t know baby’s gender, but we’re anxiously waiting to find out.  There’s been no labor signs which is a very good thing.  My belly button is actually about ¼ of the way out already.  Crazy, eh? 
I’m looking forward to finally looking really pregnant so I don’t keep getting sideways glances as if I’ve been eating boxes of ho-hos or something.  

So my weekly wisdom this week is that you should enjoy every moment of pregnancy even when it makes you feel like crap because pretty soon the baby’ll be here and it’s going to be a different ballgame!

This week the baby is the size of a navel orange which is huge!  He’s growing so fast!

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