One crazy day at a life!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Week 34

This week baby boy's lungs are mature.  It's another milestone!

When Dre and I got back from the cottage, we went shopping for the rest of the baby furniture at IKEA.  We have a brand new IKEA in town and it's huge.  I wanted to look at everything, but since Dre hates IKEA he kept trying to get me to look faster.  We found the dresser and bookcase for the baby's room.  We also found the curtains and a lamp for the room.  I'm not sure that the lamp will work, but I'm going to give it a few days before I decide for sure.  I'll post picture of the room once Dre and I have time to organize all the baby stuff.  For now, it's kind of all stacked makes the room look like it got hit by a hurricane.

On New Year's Eve, we had dinner with my SIL so we could give them their Christmas gifts since we didn't see them on Christmas.  The nephews seemed happy enough with their gifts which was a huge relief since we had a really hard time getting those gifts.  After that, we went to our friends' house for the countdown celebration to a New Year.  It's a good thing we decided to go too because every single other person that was supposed to be there cancelled at the last minute.  That would have been a real bummer for the hosts.  We had a great time even though it was just the 4 of us.  We watched the ball drop in Time Square in New York on TV and toasted with champagne (sparkling juice for me) the arrival of 2012. 

Today was my first day back at work and since I'm now training my replacement it looks like I'll have too much to do to keep up with this blog.  Yes, I usually do blog in my free time at work so now I'll have to try to write more often from home.  I'm a big procrastinator so I really have to motivate myself to do it.

While I was at work, Dre installed the car seat in the car.  Wheeee!  It's exciting and terrifying at the same time.  It seems like we're getting that much closer, but at the same time it's still far away.  We're getting the installation checked by some volunteers for our local association for S.E.A.T.S for kids on Saturday which is why we installed the car seat now.  The next date they had was Feb. 5th and I thought that was cutting it really close since my due date in Feb. 10th!

Here’s my picture this week. I'm getting huge!

Week 33
Week 34
My average weight this week is 178.7 lbs which is a gain of 0.7 lbs since last week. This makes my total weight gain for this pregnancy exactly 25.7 lbs.  It seems that I have a week of big weight gain followed by a week of little gain.  For the past 10 weeks or so that pattern seems to hold true.  It's certainly interesting.  I'm happy though that I haven't had any huge, crazy weight gains and that it's been a steady weight gain for the most part.  
Today, I discovered that talking a lot gives me heartburn.  You don't believe me?  Well, since I'm training someone at work that involves spending a lot more time talking than I normally would and I got heartburn both this morning and afternoon in the middle of my "teaching".  Lovely!  Tonight I feel great though so I guess I'm getting a reprieve.
My energy is still on the fritz, but I think that it's just my body's way to get me to rest a lot before the baby gets here.  So for now, Dre is still doing most of the cooking. 
I've gotten some BHs here and there.  They're definitely not regular, but I am getting them a lot more often.  I'm not too concerned though because my doctor doesn't seem concerned about them at all.

The ligament pain from the baby compressing it was getting much better. Surprise!  First day back at work and it's come back with a vengeance.  I need to figure out what is causing it because I started having it in the bus on the way to work and then it just got worse as the day progressed which is what used to happen before my holidays.  I think I might just have to wait it out until I go on mat leave.
I’m really looking forward to going to celebrate my SIL's birthday this Thursday.  My nephews (5 & 8) are going to decorate the birthday cake which should be really adorable.  My youngest nephew especially likes doing things like this.  He helped his mom decorate the room for my shower by making special decorations for the baby.  So cute!  Need to get picture of it so I can show you guys!
Baby is the size of a cantaloupe. He weighs around 4.75 lbs this week.  I'm pretty sure that he's trying to escape whenever I walk around now so I can definitely feel the extra weight on my cervix nowadays.
Tomorrow, I'm going for a doctor's appointment.  This is my second to last appointment before I switch OBs when my doctor goes on her mat leave (remember...she's due 7 days after me).  I hope I like this new doctor as I don't think I'll have much choice once I meet her since I'll be 3 weeks from my delivery date at that point.

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